Monday, May 05, 2008

Still here...

I'm still here. we are anxiously awaiting the arrival, and counting down the days!!! I'm still busy making sure everything is ready.

this past weekend there was a mother/daughter tea at our church, and my mom, grandma, and Aunt all came to join me. It was so nice!! I'm 3 hours away from my mom, so I don't get to see her very often and wasn't sure if she would be up to making the trip, but she did great and has been feeling very good. She will have a scan in about 2 weeks to find out the results of all her chemo treatments. We are hoping that she is in the clear!!! it will be very nerve racking waiting for those results, that's for sure. But I'm just grateful that she was able to come and be with me for the day on saturday. She is hoping that she and my dad can make the trip down right after I have the baby. That would be so nice!!!

Not much else exciting around here, all i can think about is having this baby! I am very uncomfortable, and cannot wait to have her on the outside!! ;o) Please be praying for me and the baby, that there would be no problems during or after delivery for either one of us. I am a little nervous about it, and just want it to be over with. Thanks in advance for the prayers!!!

Ta ta for now!


Me said...

Glad to hear your mom is doing ok......keep us posted as soon as you can about the results.....
When is your scheduled c-section?

Me said...

no news STILL?