Saturday, October 25, 2008

Hello Again

So - I have been extremely busy. A lot has been going on around here.....

This past weekend I went up north to see my family and attend a concert that was done in honor of my mother. She had been a part of the Community Concert Band for over 20 years and they started their season with a concert in her memory. They also announced that they will be having a song written in her name, which is so amazing. She was the 1st Chair Clarinet and had been the "Concert Mistress" for years. They left her chair empty last night, and I could just picture her sitting there, it was very nice.

So, I completed my first class after returning to school again, and even though I finished with a 4.0 in the class, there is so much going on in our lives that I decided now was not the time for me to return and I have gone back to a withdrawl status and have no intention of returning anytime soon. It was just WAY too much for us right now and I am so glad I decided to drop. I am in no hurry to get my degree and that is one less thing I have to worry about. Our oldest is really struggling with school and he needs my attention right now. Also, I was missing out on our new baby girl and that is not what I want. Maybe when she is in school, I might go back. For now, I'm done...and I am SOOOO ok with that.

I also started walking with a friend and we have been walking about 3 - 4 times a week and we walk at least 2 miles each time, but usually 4. I also am doing Weight Watchers. I love it! I have been on it for about 10 days now and I have lost 6 pounds. I'm working on my first 20 pounds, so I have 14 to go!!! I can't wait to reach that goal! I'm not hungry and do not feel deprived at all, it's great.

So - my mom's birthday is coming up very soon, about a week and a half away. That is going to be really hard, especially for my dad and my aunt (her twin). Then, we have Thanksgiving and Christmas to deal with. This is going to be really rough, but we will get through it with God's help.

Hope you all are having a good month - even though it's almost over already!



nat said...

What a wonderful tribute to your mom! The empty seat is always such a poignant visual - that had to be wonderful.

I understand waiting for school - there is no hurry and no deadline! Congrats on the 4.0 though :)

Good luck with the upcoming birthday - will you be spending it with your aunt or dad? How is it seeing your aunt? I would think that would be both comforting, and incredibly difficult.

Take care Jamie - my votes going the other way, but what a crazy election year! Whoever wins had better be ready for quite a challenge...

Me said...

Jamie--just got this showing up on my blog......guess I can't go by that for an update.....had no clue you updated! Oh man, I REALLY wish I could join WW again......actually no I don't....I'm SO SO SO SO beyond help of any sort, well except maybe surgery or something. You know that is how I lost all my weight before getting PG. Great program, stick with it. You can do it! Proud of you. That is SO SO cool about your mom.....amazing really. You know, I think the schooling thing is was worth now know you COULD do it if you wanted to but the reality is there is more important things in life.......and life is so I think the decision you made makes perfect sense.
And yep, have to agree with nat.....ya know I'm voting the other way too. LOL

Jamie said...

nat - yes, the empty seat was cool. I'm so glad they did that. I wish it didn't have to be empty because she is gone, but it it was a great tribute to her.

I will not be able to spend my mom's birthday with my dad or my aunt. I live 3 hours from my dad and about an hour from my aunt and I have a daycare kid here and it is in the middle of the week. I will for sure call both of them though. It is cool to see my Aunt because they were identical. Now that my mom is gone though, I can see so many differences. My Aunt is not my mom, but she is the closest thing I can get to having her still here.

I know you are voting the other way - I am very scared for this country though if your choice wins.

Tara - I love being in WW. YOu totally should do it! Do the online thing! I'm not going to meetings and actually not doing the online thing either, just doing it on my own with my 2 friends. I will be your support if you want! You could SO do it!! Just consider it. I know that's what you did before, so I know you could do it again.

Yeah, I'm glad I went to school too. I proved to myself that I can actually do it, and when I'm ready I will return. Now is just not the time. I'm glad I made the decision to drop.

I know who you are voting for....Seriously, I am scared for this country if he wins and more importantly, our lives. His running mate even said the other day that if he wins, he will be tested. Meaning, be ready for a war. Worse than anything we have seen. Can we say "Armagedden"? Or "Anti-Christ"?

Me said...

Jamie.....thanks for the offer but I am SO FAR beyond WW help....
It is so awesome that you have local support--I feel that is SO necessary!