Friday, October 03, 2008

I know, I know...

I haven't posted in almost a month. Sorry!! I have been so busy I haven't even had time to think about it.

There isn't a whole lot new in my life, just been working on school, taking care of the kids, and getting through each day. I talked to my dad the other day and the whole time I just wanted to say, "can i talk to mom?" I want to call her on the phone so bad. As the Holiday's are approaching, I can see this is not going to be easy. Her birthday is also a month away and that is going to be hard. I'm sure my Aunt is probably going to have the hardest time of all of us, since they were identical twins and obviously shared a birthday. I know we will get through it, it's just going to be rough. I seriously can't believe it has been over 3 months already. We are going to visit my dad next weekend and he is really excited to see us. He hasn't seen his grandaughter in over a month. Speaking of the little one, she is doing great. She is so sweet. She gives kisses now. They are open mouth kisses of course, but it's so adorable. the boys just love her and she loves them too. She is eating baby food and loves it. If I am eating something, she tries to take it. I will post new picks soon, she is so stinkin' cute!

I have started walking with a good friend of mine about 3x/week. One of the days we walk 4 miles and the other 2 it's about 2 1/2 miles. It's so nice to walk with somebody, it makes the time go by so fast. She goes to our church and I sing with her husband. I'm hoping it will help me to get in shape. I'm trying to exercise more and I love walking, so that seems to work for me! My dh wants us to do a 5k next summer, so I'm up for the challenge.

Well that's about all from here. I will try to post more, but can't guarantee.

Thanks for reading!


Me said...

5k! Holy moly. I wish I could just walk a fraction of a mile without being in pain (as far as weight, I'm beyond help at this point). I'm sure you both can do it if you set your mind to. That is SO awesome you have someone to walk with. Do you find more things to do there than here? Or do you like it more there than here? Seems there are lots of people to do things with.
I still can't imagine how awful losing your mom must be. To not be able to pick up the phone etc. I'm sure your dad will be SO happy to have you there. Post some pictures of your sweet girl.

Jamie said...

I know if we walked the 5k, I would have no problem at all, I'm basically doing that now. My goal is to run it. 3 miles shouldn't be too bad. It is SO nice to walk with someone else. We just keep going because we are talking so much we don't even realize how far we have gone. we did 3 1/2 miles yesterday and didn't even realize it. that makes it so nice. There are things to do down here, but really the reason we have so many friends and stuff to do is through our church. We found the best church when we moved here and there are people that live in our subdivision that go there and we all do stuff together. Going to a big church really helps. They have so many opportunites for everyone in the family. I love it. We are SO involved.

We are really looking forward to going up there this weekend. My only dread is going to my parent's house. That is still hard, but i know it will get easier with time. I have to do it.