Monday, June 23, 2008

My Heart is Breaking.....

.......for the loss of my mother. I know this is a complete shock to all of you, believe me no one knows that more than my family right now. On friday morning, my mom took a huge turn for the worse, and by saturday night, she was gone. It's so hard to type through my tears, so I will have to go into more detail later. I just wanted to let everyone know that my mom's fight with cancer is over, and she is free from pain. She went home to be with Jesus, which was her request Friday morning. I am in the midst of helping my dad with preparations, and it is the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life. Please continue to pray for my family as we face these days ahead. Especially pray for my dad, as he has lost the love of his life, after 33 the day.

thank you all for your prayers and support through all of this. I will post as much as I can, but this is so hard right now.


Me said...


Me said... there ANYTHING I can do to help? I'm so lost on words......nothing I can say can even remotely ease the pain your feeling......Jamie.......I'm with you and family right now in spirit.......wish I could reach through the computer and give you a hug.....I don't have your new phone number down there......
I'm SO beyond shocked right now cuz I thought things were going as best as they I can't even imagine the pain your going through......I'm praying for the days ahead of you and your family.....May God give you the strength and courage......
Love you Jamie....

Me said...

Jamie--found your home phone and we called.....left a message...but I'm sure you are up here.......

Jamie said...

Thank you so much for the prayers and concern. They mean the world to me. We actually don't have a home phone anymore, so I don't know what number you found. We have a cell phone. I will e-mail it to you. The memorial is tomorrow, I don't know if you saw the obituary in the paper today. Yes, we are up here. We ran home briefly, but came back the next day. I will probably call you next week and explain what happened. It was so fast. We are all still very numb and in shock. tomorrow is going to be so hard. Thank you again for all the prayers, they mean so much to me.


Me said...

Jamie--we used people search.....
here is the number we called......
XXXXX, MI XXXXXX 517-651-5376

Rob left a whole LONG message to a stranger I guess.......
I didn't get an email yet with your cell number....
Found the obit....posted it on my blog....
I wasn't sure it would be appropriate for us to go or not and I certainly could not take autumn....she would just be WAY too much of distraction and not sit and she would cause commotion....definitely not appropriate......
I can't stop thinking about words would even begin to express the ache you must feel....I know today has to be one the hardest days of your life......I'm praying for God to give you strength......let Him carry you Jamie....
Much LOVE to you and your family.......PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE......if you NEED anything at all......ANYTHING......someone to watch the kids, a meal, anything........PLEASE let us know. Call whenever you want......I know you need to be with your family right now......
Hugs........BIG HUGE HUGS.

nat said...

Oh no! Oh - I am so very very sorry to hear this. My heart is breaking for you and your family.

Jamie, you and yours are in my thoughts and prayers. I can't believe this has happened.

Jamie said...

thank you Nat. I know how hard it is to believe. I still feel like this is all a bad dream. It is the worst feeling in the world knowing that I can't call my mom on the phone, or see her sitting in their living room anymore. However, she is with the Lord now and is no longer suffering. that is the only thing that helps me get through this. Something HAS to be done about this disease. I definitely will be more involved in raising awareness. I continue to pray for you and your fight with this horrible cancer. Please continue to pray for my family as we face these days ahead without my mom.

nat said...

Your mom is a beautiful woman. She is so young - too young of course... Jamie, I hope that you are ok.

I sent you an e-mail, with a different e-mail for me. I am here if you need me.

Take care Jamie.

Jamie said...

nat - i haven't received any e-mails from you. can you re-send it? ;o)

Me said...

I agree......your mom is absolutely beautiful and I can see SO much of you in your mom's picture. And ya.......50 is WAY too young.....of course I guess cancer doesn't care what age you are.....
When is a good time to call you jamie?

Jamie said...

you can call anytime.