Monday, June 16, 2008


Hey, I just updated all my pictures on here and added a couple new ones. Just wanted to stop by and say hi! really nothing exciting happening here. Our son leaves in less than 2 weeks to head to Germany. He is very excited and we are so happy that he has this opportunity. Our Exchange student's parents arrived on Saturday and they are so nice. We know our DS will be in good hands while he is gone. It's a little difficult communicating with them, but we are all doing pretty well with it. they just left this morning for a trip to New York for 3 days. We are then taking them on a little trip up north and then they will head to Chicago for a few days. Then it's 'bon voyage' for everyone. It's been a great experience for us all.

Mom is the same, pneumonia is getting better though. Still has back pain. Hopefully they can start chemo soon to get rid of the new tumors that are causing her pain. Keep praying please!!

Our little princess is doing very well. Sleeping a little better at night, so that is VERY nice for mommy. Who knew 4 hours of straight sleep could feel like a full nights rest!!! She is such a joy to have around and we can't wait to watch her grow!!!

Ta ta for now!!

1 comment:

Me said...

Cool........Love the new pictures.....praying for your mom.....glad everything is going well....