Wednesday, June 04, 2008


Sorry, been busy with the new baby.

So, my mom went to start her new chemo treatment last week, and when she got there she told them about a pain she was having in her side. they sent her over to the hospital right away, and come to find out, she has pneumonia. So, now that has to clear up before they can continue with treatments. Her back pain has been bothering her really bad too. Her spirits are good though, which I know really helps. Please keep praying for her...she obviously still has a long road ahead of her.

we are all fine and dandy here. Baby is great!! She is such a sweety!

Gotta run!


nat said...

You are going to have to change the title of your blog (Baby # 4 is HERE!) :)

What kind of chemo are they going to give your mom this time?

Take care Jamie!

Anonymous said...

oh, my goodness! i havent been on here for a while. i cant believe you had that baby so soon. she is a doll. i bet you cant tell a difference between her and jack at birth, can you? well, congrats anyway and we'll keep prayin' for your mama!


Jamie said...

Not sure what type of chemo it is. I am going to see her this weekend and will be finding out everything I can. I want to make sure she is getting the best care. Supposedly her doc is one of the best.

I completely forgot about changing my title!! Thanks for reminding me! ;o)

Jamie said...

thanks Amy!! Yes, she looks a lot like Jack at birth!!

Me said...

Jamie---she is SO beautiful! Keep us posted on your mom......